The school governance is specified in the Ministry of Education and Sports policy of the Ugandan government under the bylaws of the Busoga Churches of Christ who are the most key stake holders of the school.
The Board of the School which oversees its day to day operations of the school is appointed by the Church Committee Board on the recommendation of the sitting local church leaderships. The Board has a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Director, Accountant, Development Director, Marketing Director, Head Master, Director of Studies, Bursar, Secretary, Teaching Staffs, Students’ Leadership and Support Staff all, appointed by the Board of Directors and P.T.A Committee.
The Busoga Churches of Christ is the founding body of HCA whose interest was and is to see that there is a Christian School that can promote both Spiritual and Academic Education in Busoga Region in Eastern Uganda as well as the whole country of Uganda.
The Board of Directors is the overseeing body that runs the development and progress of HCA as they were entrusted the powers and responsibilities by the Busoga Churches of Christ.
The Board is composed of 8 Committee members and these are;
Chair Person, Vice-Chairperson, Administrator/Headmaster who serves as the Board Secretary, Board Representative Director, Director for Development and Investment, Accountant (Director of Finance), Marketing Director and Directors.
To promote spiritual and social growth and effective leadership development in unifying the body of Christ throughout Uganda without discrimination of culture, gender, color and denomination.
To enhance spiritual values and innovativeness through quality education for transformation and sustainable development.
- To provide accountability and authority over the school on behalf of the Busoga Churches of Christ.
- To engage in strategic planning and decision making.
- To legislate policies in accordance with the school’s philosophy and objectives.
- To ensure responsible fiscal behavior.